Fuck sites are the battle testing grounds for pickup skills. If you think you have what it takes to pickup random women in your local bars or local dating spots, check out free sex sites. It might turn out that you’re not as hot as you thought. It might turn out that you’re not as skilled with the ladies as you previously thought.
Now I don’t want to depress you, I don’t want to discourage you, but a little bit of self-challenging can go a long way. By putting yourself through the fire of fee sex sites and running the gauntlet of very picky and selective women and downright bitches, you can level up your pickup skills. Here are the benefits of using free sex sites to increase the quality of your pickup skills.
You Meet Different Women
The first benefit of these types of websites is that you meet very different women, from the professional lawyer to the aspiring doctor to the typical college female. You get to meet all sorts of chicks. And the great thing about trying your pickup skills on them is that you are able to spot certain patterns. Some cheesy lines work with certain types of chicks and it fails miserably with other types of chicks. You will be able to detect demographic patterns so you can deliver the right lines to the right people at the right time.
Different Timing Mechanisms
Different chicks show up at free sex sites at different times of the day. This is not an accident. This is a reflection of their schedule and their values. This is a very important piece of information because if you are trying to level up your pickup skills, you need to get the right line in front of the right chick at the right time. By trying these different lines at different times of the day, you’ll be able to spot different patterns which may pay off tremendously for you both on and off free sex sites.
Learn to Listen
To truly become a pickup artist, you have to stop focusing on your lines. In fact, for most women, lines don’t work. You come off as a cheesy piece of shit. Seriously, it’s much better to just listen to her. By listening, I’m not just talking about listening to the words coming out of her mouth. I’m also talking about paying attention to her facial gestures, her posture, her choice of words, how quickly she speaks. These are very important because you can then bounce these back and send off the right signals so you can establish a high degree of comfort. Once you get a woman comfortable, you increase the likelihood that she will spread her legs for you.